FB/IG/IGS Placements Each Drive Unique Ad Results

Wavo Labs: This series shares the results of our music marketing experiments and how they inform artist media strategy.

What We Tested

In an effort to create the most value for artists, we tested how Facebook, Instagram Feed, and Instagram Story placements impact how an ad is received by audiences.  

The Results

Cost Per ThruPlay:

  • Facebook drives ThruPlays 27% more cost effectively than Instagram feed/ Instagram Stories

  • Instagram feed/ Instagram Stories have a very similar Cost Per ThruPlay, within 1% of one another.

Sound On Rate:

  • We found Facebook had the strongest Sound On Rate, followed by Instagram Feed, and then Instagram Stories.

  • Facebook has an 8.95% higher Sound On Rate compared to Instagram Feed, and Instagram Feed has a 9.6% higher Sound On Rate compared to Instagram Stories.

Cost Per Real Engagement:

  • Instagram Feed is 14.04x more cost efficient at driving real engagement such as comments, likes, shares, and post saves, compared to Facebook.

Cost Per DSP Click Through

  • We found Instagram Feed created DSP Click-Throughs most cost efficiently, followed by Instagram Stories, with Facebook being the least effective.

  • IG Feed created DSP Click-Throughs at a cost 36% lower than Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories featured an average Cost per DSP Click-Through 66% less costly compared to Facebook.

The Takeaway

We recommend advertisers seeking medium intent actions such as real engagement and DSP clicks focus on Instagram and Instagram Stories. Those looking to drive low intent actions, like ThruPlays, should include Facebook.

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