Wavo Blog: The Case for Spotify Marquee

Jordan Snyder

Music Sales Manager, Major Labels at Spotify


Wavo Blog: This series shares information that’s most relevant to music marketers around the globe.

Successfully dropping new music is all about making the right listeners aware of your latest release at the right time.


Successfully dropping new music is all about making the right listeners aware of your latest release at the right time. Spotify Marquee ads make this possible. Marquee is a full-screen sponsored recommendation of your new release to Spotify Free and Premium listeners who have shown interest in your music and have the potential to listen more.

Listeners who see a Marquee are 2x as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists


Our internal Spotify data reveals that Listeners who see a Marquee are 2x as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists for future listening than those who hadn’t seen a Marquee. 

Their engagement isn’t limited to the new release, either — Marquee also builds a halo effect for your entire body of work. People who see a Marquee and stream the promoted release are 3x more likely to stream the artist’s other releases.

Marquee is the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new music on Spotify.

Key Takeaways

Marquee is the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new music on Spotify. Unlike other digital music marketing tools where you reach people when browsing websites or social media feeds, Marquee allows you to promote your music to Free and Premium Spotify listeners the moment they open the app. It’s minimally intrusive, helpful to the interested listener, and virtually frictionless.

Written by Jordan Snyder, Music Sales Manager for Major Labels at Spotify

For our Wavo Labs case study comparing Spotify Marquee vs Spotify Audio please click here.

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