A Value Comparison of TikTok Boosted Post Campaign Objectives

Wavo Labs: This series shares the results of our music marketing experiments and how they inform artist media strategy.

What We Tested

As music marketers, we wanted to evaluate the value that different TikTok boosted post objectives create for artists. In this case study we compared engagement and views objectives.

The Results

Engagement Objective:

  • An Engagement campaign objective for TikTok boosted posts drives post likes 7.7 times more efficiently than a views objective.

  • An Engagement campaign objective for TikTok boosted posts generates new followers 70.4 times more efficiently. While the lift in post likes is significant, the greatest value you create with an engagement goal is the lift in new followers.

Views Objective:

  • A Views campaign objective drives 2.4 times more impressions compared to an engagement goal.

  • A Views campaign objective creates 11.8 times the 6-second video views compared to an engagement goal. The strongest value you generate with a views goal is the increase in video views.

The Takeaway

We recommend clients with an awareness objective use a views goal with a boosted post. For clients looking to build an artist’s fanbase on TikTok, we recommend using an engagement objective with their boosted post.

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