What's New in Wavo Marketing Analytics: February 2021

Highlights include multi-currency support for global marketing reports and new, flexible forecasting options for daily budget campaigns. See more Marketing Analytics for Music features on the product page.

1. Multi-Currency Support for Accurate Reporting

The global music market is expanding — just this week Spotify announced it will launch in 80 new markets across Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America.

To reflect this global scale, Wavo’s Marketing Analytics platform now gives you the ability to view multiple currencies in pacing graphics, the media mix, and across other data. This allows you to present financial data in a way all users understand and avoid confusion.


2. Flexible Forecasting for Daily Budget Campaigns

Some artist campaigns have a fixed cost associated with them (“I want to spend $2000 for two weeks leading up to the new single”) while others use an average daily budget for more flexibility and control. But this variability can make it hard to anticipate results.

As a solution, our platform can now predict marketing performance on daily budget campaigns that have no set end date—as far as three months into the future.

This means that every time you extend your campaign, you can count on the fact that marketing forecasts will be accurate, making it easier to predict ROI and plan ahead.


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