Snapchat, IGS, FB/IG Feed : Which Placement Best Drives Qualified Clicks?

Wavo Labs: This series shares the results of our music marketing experiments and how they inform artist media strategy.

What We Tested

In this test, we compared the likelihood of Linkfire Click-Throughs for audiences reached on Snapchat, FB/IG Feed and IGS.

Linkfire Click-Through Rates allow for music marketers to qualify the intent of Clicks. Linkfire Click-Through Rate refers to the percentage of users who pass from an ad platform to Linkfire and then from Linkfire to DSP’s like Spotify or Apple Music. By differentiating between unqualified and qualified clicks Linkfire Click-Throughs allow music marketers a more data informed indication that their ads are leading to streams.

The Results

Audiences reached through Snapchat were the most likely to pass through Linkfire and onto DSP’s, followed by IGS, and then FB/IG Feed.

  • We found Snapchat featured a Linkfire DSP CTR 41% higher than IGS and 1.24x higher than FB/IG Feed.

  • IGS featured a Linkfire DSP CTR 59% higher than FB/IG Feed.

  • FB/IG Feed was the least effective at driving intentful Clicks from Linkfire.

The Takeaway

We recommend clients looking to maximize Linkfire DSP click-throughs prioritize Snapchat rather than IGS or FB/IG Feed, and IGS rather than FB/IG Feed.

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