Instagram is Getting Louder


Every Monday, we take a look at a significant marketing statistic and how it relates to the music industry. Today, we consider why more than half of Instagram Stories users watch with sound on. Originally sent out in our Weekly Stat email.


Consider this: 60% of Instagram Stories are viewed with sound on. 

Source: Instagram

What This Means for the Music Industry

With 500 million daily viewers and more than half of content views happening with sound on, Stories offer an exciting opportunity for music discovery and promotion.  

There are a number of reasons why people are turning up the volume. Among them, an increase in video content where audio is required to appreciate the context, like dance and music challenges. The music-oriented nature of Instagram users—they spend 30% more time listening to music than the general population—is another consideration. 

Naturally, Instagram is well aware of its users’ interests. Since 2018, the platform has allowed people to share Spotify links in Stories, and this June, the platform launched a new feature that adds lyrics to songs, further cementing its unique role in connecting artists, influencers, and fans.