Wavo Blog: How Labeled Data Elevates your Music Marketing Team

Nick Johnston

Product Manager at Wavo


Wavo Blog: This series shares information that’s most relevant to music marketers around the globe.

Sound decisions are only as reliable as the data they’re built on. This creates an unparalleled importance for tagged and organized data.


At Wavo we’re excited to announce our new Automated Campaign Tagging feature. Automated tagging helps marketing teams augment campaign data with music specific classifications like artist tags or ISRC codes, all with the click of a button.

In the age of streaming and digital marketing, sound decisions are only as reliable as the data they’re built on. This creates an unparalleled importance for tagged and organized data. Unfortunately, this can be a major challenge for organizations: acenture reports that only one third of firms trust their data enough to use it effectively, citing “gaps in data '' as one of the leading causes.

Music marketers and their organizations are not immune to these challenges, which can often impact two key areas downstream - attribution and organizational transparency.


One would think that the seemingly infinite number of ways to measure ad performance coupled with the world's shift to nearly all-digital listening would be a shoe-in for attributing marketing efforts to streaming consumption. In reality, music marketers often struggle to tie marketing investment to any artist product at all, let alone the corresponding results. With no way to link investment to outcomes, data is usually viewed in silo, leaving marketing opportunities on the table. This could mean not maxmizing ROAS, missing out on a “moment” with an artist track, or simply proving that any marketing has happened at all.

At scale, this phenomenon can cause larger transparency issues, where marketing teams can’t confidently rally behind an artist or product, simply because they’re unable to see the entire picture. Investment data in an artist becomes fuzzy or time consuming to collect, and teams are not able to hold each other accountable for pulling their weight with promoting releases. Ultimately, organizations cannot make informed decisions about their rosters at scale.

Marketing teams, data teams and executives alike need to be able to connect the dots with marketing activity and their roster, and strong data tagging processes are a fundamental building block to doing so. This is why, especially in the music industry, it is unfortunate that most functional teams do not allocate the resources, or do not see the value in organizing their data this way. Meanwhile, it has been found that nearly 90 percent of data-driven champions use automated approaches to tag, annotate, and catalog data universes on an ongoing basis.

Automated tagging helps marketing teams augment campaign data with music specific classifications like artist tags or ISRC codes. All of this with the click of a button.

Key Takeaways

At Wavo, our hope is that our new Automated Tagging initiative can help. By leveraging the data from our Music Intelligence Platform, Automated tagging helps marketing teams augment campaign data with music specific classifications like artist tags or ISRC codes. All of this with the click of a button, and without the need for rigid naming conventions or manual searching.

We want teams to give their marketing effort the credit it deserves, to foster stronger transparency within their organization, to enhance search usability and most importantly, to spend less time working on the data, and more time analyzing it.

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