Program Objective
The Wavo Community Boost Program provides opportunities for Wavo to share its digital marketing expertise, free of charge, to nonprofit organizations in our community to help further their mission.
How it Works
Wavo can support nonprofit organizations in their digital marketing efforts by:
Managing existing budget/ad credits to run campaigns, free-of-charge
Offering support & guidance to nonprofits applying for ad grants, e.g., Google Ad Grants
Sharing digital marketing best practices
Nonprofit organizations that are based in Montreal, QC and focused on effecting positive social change.
Pro Bono Managed Services
Wavo’s experienced and dedicated marketing services team will plan, set-up, and operate digital marketing campaigns on behalf of eligible nonprofits, waiving our typical media fee. Our marketing services team can help nonprofits identify key audiences, develop a media strategy to reach them, and execute that strategy to enhance the impact of their marketing spend.
Ad Grant Application Support
A number of digital advertising platforms offer free ad credits to eligible nonprofits that can be used to pay for advertising costs. Wavo can help nonprofits understand the options available to them and offer guidance through the application process.
Best Practices
Wavo will share digital marketing best practices with nonprofits on topics such as:
Media strategy
Ad creative
Email marketing
Social media analytics
Organizations We’ve Partnered With
Le Regroupement des maisons de jeunes du Québec a pour mission de promouvoir le projet maison de jeunes qui vise à aider les jeunes à devenir des citoyens critiques, actifs et responsables.
ESTA supports Black youth aged 18 to 35 in reaching their educational, employability, and entrepreneurial goals through a holistic and individualized approach.
Because the next generation holds the key to Montreal’s future, Montreal Community Cares Foundation aims to empower youth by developing their leadership skills through programs, workshops and events, and by building bridges between communities.
The GOAL Initiatives Foundation is a national CRA charity making a difference by promoting mental health & wellness through play, no matter age, race, gender or sexual orientation.
Join the Community Boost Program
If you work at non-profit organization in Montréal, Québec and want to learn more about Wavo’s Community Boost Program, contact one of our program managers and they will get back to you shortly.